Hi guys!!
Some of our cell members are away at ABC, so perhaps that's why there are lesser prayer requests this time round. However, that doesn't mean that we forget about praying, yeah? Let's continue to keep our friends in prayer!
Here are the requests for this week:
Isaac: He has a very bad hamstring strain on his right leg, so pray that he will get well soon and also, for proper time management.
Rachel: Pray that she will be motivated and hardworking in revising her work, and also that she may lean on God more.
Ee Ling: She is having her last week at NIE and will be reporting for work next week. Do keep her in prayer.
Ok, if there are more requests, feel free to add on by either smsing me or tagging on the tagboard ok?
Oh, and this week's cell group will be led by Rachel! So bring your books! We'd be exploring Chapter 9. Do remember to keep Rachel in prayer!
As for our party, do RSVP by Friday, if you haven't!
Seeya all on Saturday and Sunday!
In His love,
Ee Ling